Alianza Minerals
Prospecting the Americas
The International Energy Association has come out with statistics about dozens and dozens of mines needing to be opened by 2030. That’s not going to happen because opening a mine is a minimum five year, realistically, ten year process. And our deadline is in eight years… We’re not going to make it.
So it’s an exciting time to be doing the mining that maybe isn’t sexy. You might not get excited about nickel. It looks boring, but it’s absolutely one of the most critical things out there right now.
Alianza Minerals is focused on the Americas, particularly the Cordilleran regions that characterize western North and South America.
They have five projects in Nevada, five in the Yukon, three in Colorado, one in B.C and two in Peru, with the flexibility to generate and acquire new projects in the Americas as opportunities arise.
Alianza is a Spanish word meaning “alliance”.
The name reflects the focus on the Americas and the mission of the company, which is to generate highly prospective mineral exploration targets with strong potential and find quality partners to help advance the projects and make economic discoveries.
Join president and CEO, Jason Weber, and the rest of the team of Alianza Minerals on their hunt for hidden treasures.